Our Elevator Consultants provide third-party guidance services to evaluate your equipment and determine which elevator upgrades are actually needed to protect your investment.
Southern starts with a detailed equipment survey to determine what should be retained, what should be refurbished, and what should be fully replaced. An elevator modernization scope of work is provided detailing all requirements that are needed to move forward with the Request For Proposal process.
It doesn't stop there! Once all bids have been submitted, our experts will analyze each bid and provide guidance for choosing the right elevator company to partner with.
Throughout the entirety of the project, Southern assists with elevator modernization technical questions and enforces the timeline and budgetary commitments. A final elevator acceptance & inspection is performed to confirm that all work was completed to specification and follow-up as needed depending on the work completed.
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Allow us to schedule, perform, and submit your inspection reports so your elevators receive their operating permits in a timely manner!